Nemesis are from Manchester, UK and play BattleThrash!
Nemesis brings together the tight, brutal riffage of old school thrash with the epic power of battle metal, and throws in a dash of darkness in to season the mix before letting loose a blaze of metal anger... but don't take our word for it: Listen to our MP3's
Top Secret
Equipment: BC Rich guitars, Selmer amplifiers, Digitech effects.
Equipment: Visualstorm AI.
Equipment: BC Rich guitars, Marshall amplifiers, Digitech effects.
Nemesis play BattleThrash:
Metal for the masses. Music for the disenfranchised, disenchanted and just down right angry and furious.
This is music for anyone, anywhere who is sick of being trodden on and wants to stand up, scream, throw
one fist in the air and another in someone’s face: Freedom isn’t free, so fight for it!
We exclude no one, invite everyone.
No substitutes, no additives, no repackaged, regurgitated ideas, no pro-tools, no generic lifeless mastering,
no rich parents, no compromises, no lies...